Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How much will it cost to have my document translated?
A: Our current rate per word for all areas of expertise starts at $0.23, all inclusive.
Editing and revision services are charged at $60.00 per hour.
Q: How long will it take to have my document translated?
A: Each of our translators can handle an average of 1,500 to 2,000 words per day, depending on the technical difficulty involved and our current workload.
Q: What should I do to have my document translated?
A: Please send the electronic version of your document to aubutassociates@rogers.com. We will respond immediately with a quote and a timeframe, and await your confirmation to proceed.
Q: Why should I pay for a translation when I can use an online translation program to translate my document at no cost?
A: Online translation programs are intended to give readers a general idea of what the document says. However, they are far from accurate when it comes to grammar, spelling or even meaning.
Q: Can you certify my translation?
A: Customers often need their translations certified to meet the requirements of federal and international government agencies. We are pleased to certify your translation for an additional charge.
Q: What if my project requires a security clearance?
A: Feel free to contact our office for secret security clearance information concerning our facilities, translators and support staff.
Q: I have a bilingual colleague who can translate my project. Can you revise that person's translation?
A: We often receive requests asking us to revise documents already translated within an organization. In our experience, this approach rarely works out to the client’s advantage. Usually, we have to start the translation over. There is no substitute for an experienced, certified translator.